BAS Agent Services.
Any GST registered business within Australia must lodge a BAS statement to the Australian Tax Office - but how can you as a small business owner find the time to step away from your day to day tasks to submit BAS routinely?
What is BAS?
If you’re a GST registered business, you need to inform the government of how much you’ve collected and how much you’ve paid.
This is done by completing a Business Activity Statement (BAS), which you submit to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, depending on the size of your business. Only businesses that earn more than $75,000 in turnover per year are required to register for GST.
What is a BAS Agent & Why do I need one?
As registered BAS agents, we must meet meet the minimum experience and qualification requirements set out by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), as well as adhering to strict code of professional standards.
This allows us to legally work directly with the ATO when preparing your BAS, PAYG, IAS, GST and other related requirements. With a BAS agent, you can relax knowing your tax obligations are being accurately met on time.
You can check whether the person preparing & lodging your BAS to the ATO is a registered BAS Agent through the TPB register located on the Tax Practitioners Board’s website.
If you’re looking for a BAS Agent in Melbourne, contact us at The Bookkeeping Republic!